Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 9: Golden Gate Park

As you can see the water on the sand made it look as if there was glitter on the sand making it sparkle. I also liked the way that there are small waves on the sand in the form of a big wave.

I really liked this tree, I likethe way that a branch would create smaller brancher and the smaller branches create even smaller branches. It also remineds me of a fractal and how it repeats itself.

This photograph was taken on my way to ocean beachi just like the way that the grass stands out of the water and how the different tree makes the shrine stand out. I also liked thewasy that the roof of the shine looks because if you look closely you would see that all the pieces are in a sraight line.

For this picture I liked that the turtles looke cute just laying on there stomachs and if you see closly you would see that you can see their reflections in the water.

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